April 01, 2021
DL7 Processor is helpful for the functioning of your Innova System. This processor is widely used for storing the studies performed on the system and displaying images on the monitor. It is mainly Used on GE Innova 2100IQ/3100IQ/4100IQ. Here is a list of detailed specifications for the DL7 processor :
- Part Number: 5179230
- SN: TCA0176135 Ver: 02
- Part Descriptor: DL7 Processor
- Modality: Cath/Angio
Manufacturer Details
- Manufactured by : GE Medical Systems
- Year of Manufacture: 2007
- Country of Manufacture: Taiwan
RTAC7 Processor
RTAC7 Processor is a processor used on GE Innova 2100IQ/3100IQ/4100IQ system. Here are the specifications for this processor :
- Part Number: 5179821
- Part Descriptor: RTAC7 Processor
- Modality: Cath/Angio
- Manufactured by: GE Medical Systems

PhiGEM Parts has added these processors to its medical imaging replacement parts inventory. For more details regarding DL7 and RTAC7 processors,
contact us or you can directly give us a call at 347-985-1679.