I would like to elaborate on this subject by taking an analogy from my younger days. When I was younger I used to ride motorcycles. There was an adage among us that stated there are two types of motorcyclists; those that have gone down and those that will go down, it’s only a matter of time. Unfortunately, I was in the latter group, but that’s a tale for another article. In the market for diagnostic imaging replacement parts, when purchasing parts either directly from an OEM or from a junkyard dealer, there are two types of buyers, those that have received a DOA part and those that one day will.
I have been in this industry for almost 14 years now and have spoken to many, many customers. No matter who you purchased your parts from, even if it was someone you were rolling the dice with, there is an inherent level of frustration when the part you receive does not work as intended. In a perfect world, every part you ever purchase from here on out will operate as intended; as we all know, the world is not perfect. I myself have purchased parts from OEMs(Original equipment manufacturers) that have arrived DOA which was a tremendous inconvenience.
In my experience, everyone has a different tolerance for failure; sometimes that tolerance is directly related to price and sometimes it is not. Fortunately for everyone, there is no shortage of various types of parts vendors to choose from. A bit of unsolicited advice… ask the vendors you’re speaking with: Do they track failure rates? How do they handle failures? That is the other piece of the puzzle – customer service, a topic for another day.
But what is a realistic expectation? 2% failure rate? 5%? 10%? Higher?! Click here to complete this two-question survey, after which I will share the results (your responses will be anonymous). For your time, we will be picking a name at random to receive a $25 Amazon gift card, just make sure you complete the contact information section. The survey will remain open through 15 September 2017.
In the Last 12 months, our DOA record rate is 0.61%, a statistic we are extremely proud of here at PhiGEM. (The most common reason for parts being returned is misdiagnosis).
Please call at 347-985-1679 or complete the form below and submit.